Bluetang CLI Tool
One very important tool to learn and understand in order to master the framework is the bluetang executable. A lot of major features can be accessed by invoking the right bluetang command.
Try it out right now. Run bluetang
Available Commands
Perform first time setup for the framework. Creates configuration files, dataset directories and installs OS-specific dependencies.
Perform first time setup
bluetang setup
Note: It will remain possible to invoke this command again later on. Be aware that it WILL deactivate all plugins, override configuration files and delete all datasets. You will be asked for confirmation before proceeding.
Start an instance of the Frame Grabber. Not meant for direct use
Start an instance of the Frame Grabber.
bluetang grab_frames <width> <height> <x_offset> <y_offset>
width: Width in pixels of the game frames to capture
height: Height in pixels of the game frames to capture
x_offset: X offset in pixels of the game frames to capture
y_offset: Y offset in pixels of the game frames to capture
Note: This is executed in the background by Game objects when starting up a Game Agent.
Activate a plugin. Makes it visible and accessible through Bluetang code.
Activate a plugin
bluetang activate <plugin_name>
plugin_name: The name of a plugin in your plugins directory
Deactivate a plugin. Makes it invisible and inaccessible through Bluetang code.
Deactivate a plugin
bluetang deactivate <plugin_name>
plugin_name: The name of a plugin in your plugins directory
List active and inactive plugins.
List plugins
bluetang plugins
Last updated