Installing Bluetang.AI on Windows
System Requirements
Windows 10 21H2 or later
Python Environment Setup
Python with Anaconda
Bluetang.AI requires Python 3.6+ and uses scientific computing libraries. We recommend using Anaconda Distribution for simplified setup.
Download Anaconda 5.2.0 (Python 3.6)
Run the installer
Redis Setup
Redis isn't officially supported on Windows, but the Microsoft-maintained legacy port works well enough.
Installation options:
Configure Redis service to start automatically.
Visual Studio Build Tools
Download Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
Run installer and select "Visual C++ build tools"
Installing Bluetang.AI
Open a fresh Anaconda prompt to ensure PATH changes are reflected.
Optional Modules
OCR Module
Download Tesseract v3
Run installer
Add tesseract.exe path to system PATH
tesseract --list-langs
GUI Module
Test with:
Machine Learning Module
NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 3.0+ (GTX 600 series and up)
Current NVIDIA drivers
CUDA toolkit
Installation tips and contributions to this guide are welcome!
Last updated